About me ~I say love...you?~ is the 6th volume of Music Situation CDs. It features About Me as its theme song and 6 drama parts.[1][2]
The Music Situation CDs are set in the Tensho Academy Drama Competition, where the characters take on various "romance" situation dramas inspired by VOCALOID songs.
Track Listing[]
- Prologue -Director's Melancholy- (プロローグ -演出家の憂鬱-)
- Rehearsal -Dreams, Seriousness and Pressure- (リハーサル -夢と本気とプレッシャー-)
- About me ~I say love…you?~ Scene 1 (シーン1) - BEGIN TO RAIN -
- About me ~I say love…you?~ Scene 2 (シーン2) - REMINDED OF YOU -
- About me ~I say love…you?~ Scene 3 (シーン3) - SAY GOOD-BYE. -
- Theme song About me -Band Edition- (テーマ曲 -About me -Band Edition-)
- Epilogue - Interview with Kakeru Iimori - (エピローグ - インタビュー 飯盛 駆 -)