Announcement cards and images to depict the characters, scenarios, world and art among other areas of Episode 5: Traumend from the ACTORS -Songs Connection- Anime.
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Episode 5 tweet on air November 3
Chiguma trying to stop the kids from messing with
Minori in the game
Chiguma telling Minori he's not surprised he chose Oppain
Telling Minori about the game being realistic
Chiguma standing near Saku,
Sosuke, and Uta in the game
Exploring the world around him
Deciding to come up with a name
Asking how she is floating
Children messing with Minori as a cat
Hinata telling
Kakeru about the singer being here at the school
Satsuma about there being a lot of cats
Hozumi telling himself
Itto is so hopeless
Kai and
Yuto during a basketball game
Kakeru telling Hinata he's going to be friends with the student
Keishi as a cat sitting on the bench
Wondering why
Chiguma and Minori are playing that game
Minori as a cat telling
Rei to hold it
Watching three students from the window
Going after the Tea Ceremony Club president
Telling himself that he was almost to the next mission
Rei telling
Ryo that he cannot allow him to feed the cats
Sosuke telling
Saku about him composing the songs and Uta doing the lyrics
Takato asking
Ryunosuke who cares about mysterious beings
Tsukasa and
Washiho walking to school